Monday, April 2, 2012

Yard Sale find 3/21 "Stamping Up" Pads
The weather was not so great this Saturday for yard sailing.  However I did manage to find two brave souls who stood by their rain or shine addendum.  And so there under an ill placed tarp I found this gently used complete set of Scrap booking Stamping Up! Pads.  The lady of the house had many a scrap booking item out for sale.  "Too time consuming", she said.  I agreed.

I am not a Scrap Booker,  so these are up for re-sale.  I promised my younger son that if these didn't go for my ask price on ebay, then he could have them.  The boy is obsessed with art, and he is quite the little artist, yet his supplies bucket runneth over. 

These Stamping Up! pads seem to be quite pricy, even on the bay.   So Im hoping to attract bidders with my low starting price. Classic Stampin Pads Up! "Rich Regals" Ink Set of 12 Retired Scrapbooking Craft


  1. Yowza- I would have been thrilled with this purchase!:) Somebody should snatch it up pretty quickly on ebay.
    I am your newest follower:)

  2. Thank you Laura for joining as a reader. I listed the the stamp pads and they have 1 bid already, plus "watchers" I love it!

  3. Item sold for $45.24 plus shipping. I paid $2 at a yard sale


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